It Is Time...
Abba: Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day, and I AM so glad you have come out of your shell, Alan, for I have missed you. I have never stopped speaking to you, but you had to go through this valley in order for your to come back to Me with more urgency and fervency for Me and My Word. You are in need of nothing but Me, My son. You please Me, Alan, as you fervently seek Me in all things. You want to please Me with all that you do. So do not let the small things distract you from what matters most, which is time with Me. You rightly see much of what is happening on your earth, but time is still afar off for the end to be. You will see much bloodshed in the coming days and weeks that, if you are not in Me, then you would become fearful. Do not fear! Where there is fear, I AM nowhere to be found. I do not bring fear to My children, but peace, love and joy. Yes, even in persecution ...