
Showing posts from June, 2019

I Roar!

Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day.  I ask you to write because the time is short, and I have a message for those who have ears to hear.  Make no mistake, the hour is very late indeed.  Can’t you see?  Can’t you see My Word being fulfilled right before your eyes?  Only those with eyes open can see, so it is to those who are still blind that I give you this message.  Do not mistake these words, for they are true.  Very, very soon now, you will not be able to recognize the world in which you live.  I AM.  There is no other Gospel.  When things change, it is I AM who is changing it.  Do not follow any other Gospel, nor word, nor teaching, other than what I AM has written.  My Word is being fulfilled in your days, even now.  Look to Jerusalem, for she is my time piece.  When you see the nations come against her, you know the time is upon you.  War will soon be the norm on the earth, ...


Hello My son, this is your Heavenly Father, Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day.  Yes, My son, I AM revealing Myself to My intimate ones in greater measure, of which you have proved worthy to be part.  I AM also revealing Myself to ALL My chosen ones, whom I love with an unending love mankind cannot comprehend.  I created all for you, that all My children would know Me as their Father.  I love you so much that I sent My Son, Yeshua, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for your sin so that we could experience the deepest of love the universe has ever seen.  Soon we will be together forever in Heaven.  I will receive to Myself the First-Fruits of My salvation – those I chose before the foundations of the earth were laid.  I will receive you unto Myself for My purposes and will instruct with many revelations of what is to come.  You will be instrumental in spreading My Word and leading My people in the coming days.  All around you people ar...