The Separation Has Come
Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. I ask you to write because few are they who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Few are they who hear My words, or even read My Word. I reach out to many but few listen. I call, but few heed My message. I lead, but few follow. Therefore, I now MUST move on behalf of My people. I must waken them from their slumber. I must fulfill what is written in My Word. I must call to My chosen, to awaken them to the reality of Who I AM. It is I, the Almighty who is speaking with you. The earth has come under My wrath because of the weight of sin. I Am calling you to Me now, My loves. The great separation of the sheep and the goats has come. The dividing line between My people and those marked for eternal damnation is here. I ask that My people trust Me now. I know all things, and there is a perfect time for all things; do you...