Whose Side Are You On?
Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. Listen closely My children, for the battle rages. Many still slumber and are causing Me to shake the earth to awaken them. But My remnant – My Holy chosen ones please Me greatly with their sacrifice of prayer. It is on your knees that you win this battle. Look to the East, My children, and see the unrest unfolding. This unrest moves west as My children in the Americas are now feeling the unrest and seeing blood in your streets. This will continue to wax worse and worse until the end. Unrest will be felt by everyone – no one will be left unscathed by the unrest and this will cause many to turn to Me to find shelter. This is as planned, so do not be alarmed. All things work together for the good of those who love Me, who are called by My purpose, so when you are affected by what you see, know that I AM is with you. I have promised in My Word to...