The Choice is Yours
Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. Oh My children, if you only knew the hour in which you live. If you truly knew, you would fall to your knees in prayer, you would be fasting and seeking My will for your lives. But many of you still slumber, thinking that I’m afar off; that the times of the end are still in the distant future, but these are lies, for the time is NOW, My children. If you are not seeking Me now, then you will have difficulty when the darkness descends in full. Can’t you see the chaos that has been spread on the earth? In every area, and in every way, things are in full chaos. Those who are awake in Me understand the times, but these are still but few. I AM now calling My sleeping children to awaken from their slumber as I AM calling you into deeper service now. The time of the harvest is now upon you, will you do as I please, or will you stay in your slumber until it’s too l...