The Hour is Late
Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. My children listen closely. The enemy is on the move and is stirring up great dissension all over the earth, especially in the US. Many are taking to the streets in protests, and this will soon be commonplace. The enemy wishes that you hate one another to the point of murder in the flesh. Soon many will be rounded up and taken into the various camps set up across your lands. There many will die as this will be used to push the beast’s “mark” system. Anyone taking this “mark” will be lost eternally, even if you claim to be Mine. This is very soon now. But My children who are full of My Holy Spirit will rise up against this evil scheme and bring many to Me before the beast can have his way with you. It is imperative that you press into Me at all times now, My children, for if you don’t, then you will open yourselves to the attacks of the enemy. Th...