The Best Is Yet To Come
Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. My son, and all My precious children, listen closely, for I have an encouraging message for each of you. I know that each of you have become weary in your walk with Me because of the wait, and I commend you for your steadfast faith and hope in My Word. I have been meeting with each of you and encouraging you in your Spirit and now you will begin to see My great movement upon the earth in those around you. Those of you who have spent many hours and even days praying for your loved ones – many of whom have yet to come to Me for their salvation – and now you will see them submit to My Word and My will for their lives. You will see great breakthroughs in the lives of your loved ones, My children. Is this not good news? The prayers you have lifted up to Me on behalf of your loved ones have been heard, though many of you doubt this at times. Now you will begin to see an i...