Forsake Self for My Ways
Hello My precious children, it is I, your Eternal Creator God, Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. Oh My children, I have an urgent message for you this day. The earth has changed and is moving into the time of Jacob’s trouble and I want to make you aware of what is happening. A historic day has happened recently that has caused My Eternal clock to move forward. Forward to the time of the end of days before I unleash My righteous judgment upon the earth for her sin. The seventy nations that voted against My people, against My chosen land, Israel, have erred in their ways, and now I judge them. I will divide their lands for what they have done. This is no small thing, My loves, as this is foretold in My Holy Word. Ever since the dawn of mankind in the Garden, when Satan tricked and led astray Adam and Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit and disobey My single command to them, the earth has been moving towards My judgmen...