My heart is broken. My only desire is to make my Lord and Savior,
the Lord Jesus Christ, famous on the earth.
He is the One, True God, and there is none other. His Name is above all, for He created all
that there is. Any time we sin we defile
His Holy Name. Any time we place self
above Him, we sin greatly, and we make Him less than He truly is. My desire to make Him known has led me down a
path that has completely astonished me.
The things He has done in my life, in the lives of my wife and children,
and my loving friends in my inner circle can only be explained by a Merciful
and Loving God extending His loving grace towards us, and me in
particular. I consider myself the wealthiest
man on the earth, for the Lord has blessed me with a beautiful and loving wife,
and four simply amazing children that truly love the Lord and live for Him
every day. Over the years He has drawn me
close to Him in ways I could have never imagined.
On this journey He has spoken to
me directly through dreams, and later as I have sought His face, I have heard
His voice in my Spirit. I have been
journaling since the early 1990’s and that discipline served me well in
chronicling what the Lord has done for me and said to me in my prayer
time. In 2016 I felt led by Him to start
my blog and as I read many of my past entries it is clear He is speaking to me
and through me. But where His Word is
preached more boldly, there is Satan and his demons seeking to steal, kill and
I now come to you broken. I have allowed Satan to steal God’s glory
from me. I have sinned greatly in
allowing evil demons with evil intent to rob me of my credibility among my
peers and those who have read this blog.
While thinking I was hearing from the Lord, because it had become so
comfortable, Satan led me away from my God and I spoke things that should not
have been said, for they were not from Him.
I ended up going to Europe, in
direct opposition to the word that I thought was from the Lord. As the day of my departure drew closer, I
became more and more despondent. The
thought of leading anyone astray from the Lord has become unbearable. I have sought His forgiveness, I have freely
confessed my pride and for many days have worn “sackcloth and ashes”, and now
know that the Lord has forgiven me. The
part that is more difficult is forgiving myself, because I allowed this to
happen. 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they
are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
I was do despondent at the thought
of leading anyone astray I took down this blog when I returned from Europe. Only now have I felt led to write this
apology, explaining what has happened. To
anyone I have given false hope, please forgive me. I will leave this blog up for now, for I
truly believe that He has spoken to me, but I warn you to read only after seeking
the Lord and asking Him to confirm these words are from Him or not. I may at some point write again, but I simply
cannot at this time.
Grace to all who love our Lord
Jesus Christ with an undying love,
Alan Carrico
Hello my brother,my name is yolanda from holland.
ReplyDeleteI commented on a post a week before you left for Europe.
And have been praying for you a lot
I tried to stop but you keep on popping up in my spirit and i know the Lord is doing this.
He led me to this blog and i am shocked at what i am reading here.
i always descern (forgive my english if i spell things wrong....from holland so...) as we all need to do if we read ANYTHING.
Because we prophesy in part (1 cor13:9)!!!!
We all mess up bro...
And i am sorry but this post makes me very angry!!!
Now you listen to a sister from overseas!!!
The Lord let me pray for you FOR WEEKS AND WEEKS AND WEEKS....and i had to pray for you NOT TO LET THE DEVIL ROB YOU FROM YOUR GIFT THAT THE LORD GAVE YOU!.
I needed to pray for your faith...and not to be falling for satans sceams...
So please stop this unforgiveness and punishment towards yourself.
Get up and get back to work my brother....the Lord called you, we make mistakes, we get up and we move on.
I never for one moment felt led astray or misled.
I am a mature follower of Christ and I KNOW YOU ABSOLUTELY HEAR FROM THE LORD!!
Every person is responsible for him or herself to test and desern EVERY WORD.
Now get up bro....we need you
I absolutely believe God send me to warn you right now to get back to what He has called you to do and stop the silence!!
But also for this word...bring ot to the Lord and ask Him if this is a word from Him!!
I will keep on praying for you untill you stop the silence.
I love you my brother...lets go!!
Be strong and courages!!!
Hello Sister Yolanda, you are an angel sent from the Lord for sure!
DeleteTo let you know, I am fully restored in the Lord. I got alone with Him and He gave me very encouraging words. I'm a teacher of the Word and I've been focusing on that ministry and leading my family, so I haven't been idle one bit. In fact, this has drawn me closer to my Lord. I don't know what to expect, but I'm in prayer about what He has next for me, possibly again posting on this blog.
But Sister, thank YOU so much for your prayers. These prayers helped me through some very dark days over the past few weeks. It is my prayer that you be blessed abundantly for your sacrifice of prayer for those He has placed on your heart.
I'm sure we'll immediately pick each other out when we are in Glory. I look forward to that time!
Alan ><>