The Time Of Your Destiny Has Come
Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. My precious children, if you only knew the love that I have for you, then you would never fret about anything. Because of My great love for you, I give to you good things – things that you have need of, yes, but also things that you sometimes dream of that may seem too amazing to grasp. These I want to give to each of you in this time. To My obedient sons and daughters I lavish upon you gifts from the storehouses of blessings in Heaven, so be prepared to receive these things. Some of you have longed to see loved ones come to Me in repentance and surrender their lives to My care – the time has come when you will see even the hardest of hearts soften and receive Me as their Lord. Others of you have had physical ailments that has kept you from achieving that which you long to do in My name – you will now receive healing in your bodies and you will fulfill your desires for My name’s sa...