My Blessings Come

Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day.  My children I have a message of hope to give to you today.  Hope for the future, for I want to lavish you, my obedient children, with many blessings this day.  As the earth comes under great judgment for the gross sin that must be purged, I want to give each of you a double-blessing this day.  To those who have been under constant attack, you will now feel a reprieve from these attacks as I hold back the enemy and allow you to bask in My glory this day.  I know that each of you have been waiting patiently for the movement of My will upon the earth and even as it is moving forward you at times become anxious and weary in the wait.  My blessed children, I encourage you today with blessings from My heavenly storehouses.  According to your faith you will receive that which you have prayed for - in some instances for decades - and have yet to see fulfillment; now you will see these prayers answered.  You will see your worldly loved ones whom you have been praying for now respond to your words that I give to you, that they now turn to Me and be saved.  Others I will now lead to move to other areas – new areas that need to hear about Me and you will speak My Word and many will be saved.  Those who have suffered great pain in your bodies due to illness and disease will now become healed.  Some will now walk, who have been lame; some will now hear, who have been deaf; some will now see, who have been blind.  Rejoice, My children, for My great movement upon you has come.  I Am preparing you to be with Me by giving you more of Me and answers to your many prayers.  Even those who have been married to unbelieving spouses will see their hearts softened and turn to Me and be saved by the Blood of My Son, Jesus Christ.  Even those abusive spouses, those who have brought division in your homes will now become amenable.  Wayward children will now come back into submission and under My control.  My children, rejoice!  Rejoice for the time of My favor upon My obedient sons and daughters has come.  This will encourage you to withstand what has come upon the earth, as My Word is being fulfilled.  Rejoice!  I AM.

(no Scripture was given today)

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