He Speaks!

September 25, 2018 Tuesday
Thank You, Abba Father!  Thank You for showing me that others are struggling just like me.  Others are falling into doubt at times and some of us have lost credibility with others because we have cried that judgment is coming, and it hasn’t… yet.  But it will!  It will come like lightning from the East just as Your Word tells us.  I’ve been struggling with doubt over the past several days and it crushes me that this happens, because I know that soon it will come to pass and the people are asleep!  I fear for so many that won’t wake up in time – but I know You are faithful to hear the cries of Your children.  But even in the Body of Christ, most are asleep…  And like one of the “comments” to an article on Whistleblower Jeff, who said that he expects that these people will wake only when the shakings come.  Of course, I realize the danger of waiting until then, and this is distressing to my soul – that dear friends, family… loved ones will wait until it is upon them to prepare.  But then again they will be absolutely forced to depend upon You for everything at that point – so it isn’t a bad deal I guess.  I just wish these people would wake up now, before the chaos ensues.   Father, I know You are speaking to me quite freely lately.  Even on my drive into work this morning I heard You giving me encouragement.  Do You have anything more for me right now?

Abba:  Yes, My son, it is I, Jehovah Elohim speaking with you right now.  You rightly discern My Words to you, as they are from Me.  These are not something that you are conjuring up in your own mind.  I SPEAK!  My Words will sustain you in the coming days and you need to be quick to listen, for they will save your life in the physical so I can fulfill your mission I have planned for you.  Oh Alan, you will be amazed at what I do through you and your family.  Do not fear for them, for I have them firmly in the palm of My mighty hands.  Yes, many of your loved ones are asleep right now, but I AM waking them to this reality that I AM is coming soon.  They are starting to see My Hand move on the earth even now and are starting to wake from their slumber.  Soon I will wake them fully and they will worship Me in Spirit and in Truth.  My Army is being readied for the coming battles – and it is through the battles that you are personally in now that will help you in that day.  I am sanctifying each of you, My sons and daughters, so you will be fully ready for what comes.  The world is on the cusp of the Tribulation as spelled out in My Holy Word, and you WILL be ready when it arrives.  And it arrives quickly.  It arrives quicker than you think, Alan.  Starting in the next few days, yes days! I will move on the earth and in the coming months everything will be in place for the end to come.  This is a process and I am methodical about it.  Nothing I do is a surprise, as it has been planned out from before the earth was formed out of nothing.  Alan, I want you to post this message as it is on your blog.  Now is the time for you to tell the world what I AM speaking with you.  I told you that this time would come, and now you know how close you are to the end.  I love you more than you realize, and the earth will soon feel the wrath of my anger, coupled with the love of My heart.  Your Abba, Jehovah Elohim.

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