A Different Thing Now Takes Place

Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day.  My precious children, prepare to see a mighty move of My Spirit upon the earth and upon you.  My promises to you still stand.  My Word still stands.  My ways are righteous, for I Am righteous.  I will never lead you astray, nor will I leave you defenseless.  I hold you in the palm of My hand and no weapon, no enemy and no evil thing will overtake you.  Stand back and watch what your God does.  People will stand amazed.  The enemy will flee from your presence.  Righteousness rules the day.  Victory is here, My children.  Victory over your enemies.  The enemy has overplayed his hand and will now be pushed back for a time.  Revival!  New things!  You will see it and be glad.  Hold tight to Me.  Pray for your loved ones.  Pray for those in the darkness, that they come into the Light.  A different thing now takes place.  I AM.

(No Scripture given today.)


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