Obedience Is Being Rewarded
Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. My loves I Am with you! I will never leave you nor forsake you. This is My promise to My children who have trusted in My Son, Jesus Christ, for salvation from death. A time of great outpouring of My Holy Spirit is come and you will now know what this means. As I indwell each of you to varying degree, according to your faith, I Am now raising each of you upon high for all to see. The enemy will see this and become furious because there is little that he can do to keep you from My will. You will speak and hearts of stone will be changed into hearts of flesh. Do not become conceited or prideful or any such thing when this happens, because it is I Am in you that does this. You are incapable of doing these things on your own, but with My Spirit filling your vessels to the full and overflowing into the earth, there will be nothing hindering your work. Ask and ...