My Plan Unfolds Now
Good day My beautiful children, it is I, your Almighty Creator God, Jehovah Elohim speaking with you today. I want to speak to you about many happenings on the earth, as well as what I want you to be about this day, My children. First off I want you to know that My Eternal plan is on track. Some say that I have delayed the Rapture, or that I change My mind – this is not so, My precious ones. I am Almighty God and I change not! My plan was cast before the foundations of the earth were laid and is coming together just as I had planned. Yes I hear the cries of My children and I move, but even this was pre-ordained before time. I know the end from the beginning, My children. This fact should give you great peace and comfort, for I know the end of you! What a joy you will have upon entering Heaven with Me and My Son and Spirit. I love each of My children, and all people, though they are far from Me. My children come t...