
Showing posts from August, 2016

My Plan Unfolds Now

Good day My beautiful children, it is I, your Almighty Creator God, Jehovah Elohim speaking with you today.   I want to speak to you about many happenings on the earth, as well as what I want you to be about this day, My children.   First off I want you to know that My Eternal plan is on track.   Some say that I have delayed the Rapture, or that I change My mind – this is not so, My precious ones.   I am Almighty God and I change not!   My plan was cast before the foundations of the earth were laid and is coming together just as I had planned.   Yes I hear the cries of My children and I move, but even this was pre-ordained before time.   I know the end from the beginning, My children.   This fact should give you great peace and comfort, for I know the end of you!   What a joy you will have upon entering Heaven with Me and My Son and Spirit.   I love each of My children, and all people, though they are far from Me. My children come t...

Be Found In Me

Good day My precious children, for it is I, your Loving Father and Creator God, Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day.   I have a message of encouragement today that will warm your hearts and help you in your trials.   Though the enemy is in full force on the earth, with his rage near complete, those who are near to Me, who have forsaken this world for My cause are being shielded fully by My wings.   Soon, My children, you are going to see things that will make you become fearful but you have no reason to fear for I am with you!   Always remember this, My children, I AM your Heavenly Father and I love you with unending love, and although I may discipline you at times to grow you in holiness, I will never leave you or forsake you.   I raise you up now, My children.   Now is the time when My mighty hand of judgment comes down on the earth.   Yet when My judgments come – and are now here – I will be with you and protect you as long as you will le...